A delicate fragrant twining vine, the Snail vine tolerates the heat of the low desert with some partial shade.
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The Snail vine is part of the Fabaceae plant family. It is also called a corkscrew vine. The corkscrew shape flowers blooms in the spring. The botanical name for this vine is Vigna caracalla.
Everything You Need to Know to Grow Snail Vine in Zone 9
If e want to cover a block wall, trellis, or arbor this vine is a great choice. Before you start digging:
- When & How to Plant Corkscrew Snail Vine
- How fast does it grow and how much space does the vine need?
- How to care for the vine
- Does the vine attract or deter any wildlife?
- When does it bloom?
When and How to Plant Snail Vine
Snail vines are native to Central America. It grows well in gardening zone 9b. It is drought sensitive and appreciates soil with organic matter.
Plant in the months of March or April. The vine is happiest when the temperature is in the mid 70’s and 80’s. It is not frost tolerant. If outdoor temperatures dip below 4o degrees, the Snail vine appreciates being covered with a frost cloth.
If transplanting, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball of the plant. Place the plant in the hole, and cover with soil. The vine needs well-draining soil. Amend clay soil with organic matter. Provide a trellis, arbor or pole for the vine to climb.
If you’re starting from seeds, soak them overnight to help with germination. Plant them about 1/2 inch deep in the soil. With regular watering you should see spouts in 7-10 days.
Does the Snail vine prefer sun or shade?
The Snail vine needs sun, but appreciates partial shade from the desert sun. Plant where the vine will receive morning sun and shade in the afternoon. They grow rapidly. It is not uncommon for them to grow many feet in as short as six weeks.
How Fast and How Much Space Does Snail Vine Take?
A Snail vine is a rapidly growing vine.
Height: up to 25 feet
Width: 3-4 feet
How to Care for Snail Vine
Plant Zone: perennial vine in gardening zones 9-11 (Texas, California, Florida, and Arizona)
Light Requirements: Requires sun/partial shade
Soil Requirements: Prefers fertile , moist well-drained soil. If your soil has a lot of clay mix in an organic soil amendment to improve the soil structure.
Water Requirements: water regularly and deeply.
Does the vine attract or deter any wildlife?
Yes, the vine’s fragrant flowers attract bees and butterflies. It grows best on a trellis or post. The vine is toxic to cats and dogs.
When does it bloom?
The Snail vine blooms profusely through spring and summer. To find out about other vines to grow in your garden, check out our post on Fast Growing Flowering Vines.