There are so many beautiful flowering vines to grow in Phoenix. Whether you’re looking to add color to your yard, create privacy, cover a fence or attract pollinators there is a flowering vine for every season.
Even if you don’t have a lot of space, vines are easily incorporated into your overall garden design.
They create a lushness to your landscape, are great for privacy, and for softening all of those block walls.
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Grow Flowering Vines in Phoenix
What Type of Flowering Vine do You Want to Grow?
Vines can be divided into four main categories. Depending on what your goal is you can choose a vine that best suits that goal.
- Twining vines
- Tendril vines
- Self-climbing Aerial rooted vines or adhesive disks
- Shrub no climbing vines, trailing vines
Space Needed to Grow Vines
The space you need will depend on the variety of vine you choose to plant, however you will need anywhere from three to eight feet of space between vines.
If you plan on growing a vine on a trellis or arbor they can be spaced about three to six feet apart. This spacing will create a lush, visually appealing canopy.
Place vines six to eight feet apart if growing on a fence. This spacing gives the vines room to grow and eventually cover the fence.
What kind of Support does a Vine Need?
Twining vines that grow in Phoenix or gardening zone 9b include Mexican flame vine, Lady Bank’s rose vine, bougainvillea, jasmine, snail vine, and bower vine. For these flowering vines provide supports such as a trellis, arbor or pole.
Carolina Jessamine, Queen’s Wreath, lilac vine, trumpet vine, passion fruit, and honeysuckle are tendril vines that grow in Phoenix. Their leafless stems will reach out to find something to twist and wrap around. Provide a light support such as wire, twine or chain link fence.
50-Piece Anchors for Trellis, Vine, Wall Climbing Plants
Anchors for block walls. Attach wires to the anchors for your vines to climb.
Vines that Attract Pollinators
If you’re hoping to attract pollinators to your yard plant vines with nectar-rich flowers such as passionflowers, honeysuckle, Mexican flame vines, and trumpet vines.
Beautiful Flowering Vines to Grow in Your Phoenix, Arizona Garden
Best Time of Year to Plant Flowering Vines
The best time to plant vines is going to depend on the specific variety. However, the ideal time for planting vines is during the early spring or fall.
Planting in the early spring or fall allows the vine time to establish its root system before it gets too hot.
Watering Vines
The first year a vine is planted is the most crucial. Vines need consistent moisture to establish their root systems. Water deeply and regularly in Phoenix. Once established, vines will become more drought tolerant.
Drip irrigation is especially helpful in dry climates such as Phoenix. It is a convenient way to provide consistent moisture.